Heirloom chicken breeds
I found the enclosed youtube interview with Frank Reese in a Mother Earth News e-mail; and fell in love (!) with his straight-up information on meat chickens.
See www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLXR5mWzb70.
His approach reminded me that we, in Transition, are not re-inventing any wheels; loads of folks out there in America-land keenly feel an attachment to quality land use. One of our jobs is to find them and learn from them as we spread out to re-think consumerist (and conquering) ideology, made possible by non-quality land use. Another job is simply to stay awake and pay attention (!) so we see the Frank Reese’s as they cross the road.
Here’s to a fun and productive 2010!
This spring we tried to order barred rocks from Murray McMurray, but they weren’t available until July!! The person who was doing the ordering for our group went through many different breeds, but this must have been a big year for starting chickens because we got down to the 5th or 6th choice on our list.
I’m happy with the silver-laced wyandottes and the two cochins that I have. They are very social birds, and when they are left alone for a time they seem to crave being around people.
By the way, were people aware that the book “the botany of desire” was made into a PBS movie? And that it’s available on instant play on Netflix right now?