Do we even have a truly local option for banking?
I have been looking for George Bailey since the very first time I ever watched this movie as a child. (Originally I wanted to marry him, but now I would be satisfied to know he was anywhere!)
MeraCDecember 31, 2009 at 10:15 pm ·
Woo hoo! I even figured out how to embed videos. Hope you don’t mind that I embedded Angel’s, too.
What would it look like if the best responses to climate change, economic instability, and energy depletion came NOT from acts of congress, but from you and me?
Karen, it’s your lucky day – here’s a couple of links that I got to from the page:
This lists banks all over minnesota (grr!) but you can search for stuff like Dundas, or Faribault.
This page is from the independent community bankers of america, also a link on the moveyourmoney site. -M.
Do we even have a truly local option for banking?
I have been looking for George Bailey since the very first time I ever watched this movie as a child. (Originally I wanted to marry him, but now I would be satisfied to know he was anywhere!)
Woo hoo! I even figured out how to embed videos. Hope you don’t mind that I embedded Angel’s, too.