Resilience Plan – Energy
On December 3rd, 2011 we met to collect community input about energy-related action steps for our Community Resilience Transition Plan in three areas: personal conservation, community conservation, and community-based renewable energy.
The complete list of suggested action steps is available here: Energy Action Steps — and a few examples are shown below.
Thank you to everyone who participated in our initial resilience plan meeting!
Personal conservation:
- Compile a resource list and tool kit for weatherization.
- Use energy audits and tools such as the Kill A Watt meter (available at Northfield library) for energy reduction.
- Interview community elders about what life was like years ago with much less energy.
Community conservation:
- Develop weatherization teams and work parties to improve energy efficiency of homes in our area.
- Learn about conservation through classes such as the upcoming series at Just Food Co-op by Joe Gransee-Bowman.
- Help set up service learning opportunities related to conservation.
Community-based renewable energy:
- Support a proposal introducing PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy) that will be presented to the city council in January.
- Collaborate with the power companies to create community-owned renewable energy sources to help the companies meet their renewable energy goals and produce community resilience for Northfield.
- Support Renew Northfield by helping to promote and partner with their activities.
Energy (use): Personal
Energy (use): Community Conservation