Permaculture movies and information

kiwiPaul Sebby and Joe Gransee-Bowman are hosting two Permaculture events in Northfield over the next few weeks!

The first event is a movie night with short excerpts from 3 or 4 Permaculture videos.  The themes will be water management and in-town Permaculture (i.e. urban or suburban applications as opposed to rural sites).  This will be on Wednesday January 25 at 6:30 pm at the Just Food Co-op community room.  The videos will run for about an hour with some discussion time afterwards.

The second event is a Permaculture Information talk that will introduce Permaculture and some of its concepts, as well as how you can start to apply those ideas in your own landscape.  This talk will be on Thursday February 2nd at 7:00 pm also at the Just Food Co-op community room; the talk and discussion will go until 8:30.

These are leading up to a one-day Permaculture workshop that we plan to have in a few months, so watch for more information about that.