This cannot be good news. Event happened last year, I just saw a notice about it this morning. http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=GUC20120421&articleId=30445

On February 4th, we met to collect community input and action steps for our Community Resilience Transition Plan in the area of Local Economy. The complete…

This Saturday, our monthly Resilience Plan session will be led by the young people in the Transition Youth/YES group. They’ll be discussing the question “How…

Jackie Pavek from the Northfield News wrote a nice article about Transition Northfield’s Local Economy meeting last Saturday. I think she summarized the context and…

As one follow-up activity after our December 3rd community meeting on Energy, Joe Gransee-Bowman is giving the following sustainable living presentations on Saturday afternoons, from…