Resilient Book Club meets 2nd Monday of the month!
Resilient Book Club
We meet monthly at the Northfield Public Library to read and discuss books focused on sustainability, permaculture and gardening, possible futures for a society that refuses to wean itself from an addiction to cheap energy. Our thinking goes like this: we have created a culture wholly dependent upon non-renewable energy sources that, by definition, will end at some point. So let’s educate ourselves and build support for those ideas that can usher in a new way of doing our lives.
Second Mondays of the month
Public Library meeting room, 6-7:45 pm
Monday April 8: World Made By Hand, James Howard Kuntsler
A realistic depiction of life in a small town after the federal government vanishes, there are no more imports of stuff from China, and the townspeople need to resolve differences to carry on.
Monday May 13: Eaarth, Bill McKibben
From Barabra Kingsolver “What I have to say about this book is very simple: Read it, please. Straight through to the end. Whatever else you were planning to do next, nothing could be more important.”
Future books and/or movies to be announced.
Sponsored by Transition Northfield.
For more info contact books@transitionnorthfield.org