Transition Youth and Power Shift

6 young people from Northfield Transition Youth traveled this fall to Pittsburg Pennsylvania for the national Power Shift conference.  10 thousand youth from around the country came together to tackle discussions and make plans for a new climate justice, to the new green economy as well as creating the systems needed for our renewable energy future. Two buses full of Minnesota youth departed on the evening of October 17th and rode for 14 hours to arrive in Pittsburg for this amazing conference.  For three days we were able to choose from 163 different workshops, panels, speeches, and breakout sessions that were inspiring and mind blowing.

One of the highlights at Power Shift was the ability to connect with other Minnesotans working for climate justice.   On Nov 6th there will be a power shift debriefing with Keith Ellison on the North side of Mpls.  On Nov.12th there will be a calling bank site here in Northfield and across the state to help the Sierra Club continue to defeat the coal plants in MN.  On November 9th folks are meeting up at the Hard times Café to create a plan around battling frac sand mining here in Minnesota and on Nov 21st there will be a letter writing campaign around the state to fight the recent sand-piper pipeline proposal that they want to run from North Dakota through Minnesota to the Great Lakes.  Transition will update you on how to be involved in these climate justice actions.